The newest workplace technology taking hold are web based time clocks because they offer a great alternative to traditional time clocks that require manual addition of hours and days worked. Many companies are using web based time clocks instead of paper time sheets as well. It’s been shown that web based time clocks have become one of the favored technologies for tracking attendance and time worked as well as employee productivity, and can be used for on-site or off-site employees.
To access the web based time clock, all your employees need is access to a computer, a user name, and a pass code to enter their information into the system. The technology is great for those employees who work remotely and make it easier for the employer to track those employees and their hours. Giving employees access to the time clock from any location relieves stress and commuting time because they don’t have to worry about not getting paid for the hours they’ve worked. The web based time clock calculates hours and helps eliminate human error that occurs when adding up hours worked. This can translate to money savings on the company’s bottom line.
Maximizing productivity and reducing operating costs is something any employer can embrace. There will certainly be an upfront cost for the web based time clock but you’ll find it will pay for itself in money and time savings. When you consider that web based time clocks calculate sick, vacation, comp time and other days off, you will free up hours in your human resources department.
Employees embrace the technology because it allows them to see their hours as they progress through the week. It also tracks vacation and sick time so they don’t have to check with the HR department to see if they have time left for vacations or sick time. Web based time clocks reduce workplace stress and this leads to higher productivity.
Your web based time clock can be configured to show employee requests for time off, vacations, or planned sick leave and you can track it in the system. The employer can also show the calendar so employees know what spots are open for time off. You should consider a web based time clock for your workplace when you’re putting together your wish list for new items in the budget year. Your employees will thank you and so will your bottom line.
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