Time clock software will help lower any operating costs that your business may have by making your payroll processing become more efficient along with making labor costs a lot more visible than they were in the past. It will also ensure attendance compliance and helps automate any invoicing or billing of your clients. Here are a few reasons how time clock software will help your business in today’s rough economy.
It simplifies your payroll
Time clock software will take every punch that your employees have accrued within a certain amount of time and it will generate timecards based on whatever your payroll is set on. Your regular hours, paid leave and overtime are all calculated for you and totaled instantly so you don’t have to do the math yourself.
It ensures compliance
A time clock is going to allow you to fully manage your attendance and employee time, even when it comes to lunch breaks or sick leave. With certain units, employees cannot punch in or out for each other, ensuring that the hours recorded are honest.
It manages the labor costs for you
Whenever you do payroll, your time clock software will figure in everything for you when it calculates the weekly attendance. Whenever you input your employees into the system, you will be asked to put all pertinent information into the software. This will allow the software to figure up everything for you. All you have to do is print out everything and take it to payroll, or even export to payroll software directly.
It automates client billing
Remember that client billing should be summarized by the job or the client so it can be accurately billed. A time clock can help with this process, lowering error by inaccurate recording as well as providing an efficient way to track multiple projects.
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