Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Make Office Security a Priority in Your Workplace

Keeping your company’s information and client information guarded, as well as your employees safe, are all part of office security. Office theft can lead to the loss of client information, personal employee information, and valuable office possessions.

It’s absolutely vital that a workplace has a high level of office security. There are several steps a workplace can take to increase its level of office security, safeguard its employees, protect its possessions, and keep company and client information safe. Most office crimes take place in workplaces that have little or no security measures in place.

As a first step in increasing office security, consider hiring a security professional to do a full security assessment. A complete, professional assessment includes your office’s current security measures and potential weak points. Once the assessment is completed, a workplace should follow up on its recommendations and consult with local law enforcement accordingly.

General measures that a workplace can take to increase office security range from the physical make-up of the office to communicating policies with employees. It’s essential that employees are not only aware of the office security policies and procedures, but that they strictly follow these policies and procedures. Measures to help increase office security include:

·      Installing key card access and security cameras around exterior areas.
·      Creating a security system for accessing computer systems and online data.
·      Securing and locking important paperwork and data.
·      Keeping employees informed on what to do in the event of an emergency.
·      Install a fingerprint time clock.
·      Arranging office spaces so that unwelcome visitors are easily spotted.
·      Instituting a company badge policy so employees are easily identified.

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